Make a Soup, proposal view, 2021

Make a Soup, activation view, 2040

Make a Soup

A public sculpture proposal for four voices

Location: St. Lawrence Market | Year: 2040

A public sculpture for St. Lawrence Market, Tkaronto for the year 2040 starts from the idea that space, diverse in history of long-term mediation and exchange has the ability to provide unexpected new perspectives if one is open to look and listen. Akin to the making of the soup. Soup has been around as long as we are, saturated with stories and perspectives- a shared experience of resources and ideas.

The sculpture activates the transformation of resourse exchange into an exchange for future ideas.
Its temporal appearance is deceiving, as the sculpture’s life continues for as long as there are people to activate it. The work takes some space but its agency is in the hands of the people who witness it.

Soup Rules:

No same person should be participating in the sculpture’s activation twice.

Activating bodies must wear a shade of solid brick red colour.

The exact location of the sculpture’s bodies is variable but has to stay within the area of 853 average steps south from the Latitude 43.6427 Longitude - 79.3697