Top Notes

Object as a signifier

Building significance to anything requires an established relationship. The connection that bridges the one to the person, object or situation is what creates the link to signify it’s importance. The decision of the object’s value forms through a personal experience that can take as long as years or as little as a few seconds.

The absence of a material that signifies an object’s origin leaves the viewer with options to create a personal link, unique to their own experience. Smells are the most potent sensory connection and memory triggers. It has been scientifically proven that our olfactory sensations create the fastest and lasting memory connections. For this reason, I used descriptions of personally significant smells for the viewer to build their relationship to the piece through their olfactory memories and imagination. Throughout the experience, the vision helps to form a unique connection to the work and create a personal meaning to the piece.

Top Notes, 2019, installation view, acrylic inkjet print, 12” x 18”, earth magnet